SOY SPACASSO and Fragrance Belles-Lettres: The Magazine have the honor of presenting a panel of distinguished judges for the ROYAL NAMING SCENT EVENT CONTEST that is approaching its debut.
I am extremely grateful for the talented six natural perfumers who are highly respected for their dedication to natural perfumery and they all are business owners who took the courageous step to become entrepreneurs and give back to their communities.
Our judges are indeed women who represent knowledge, ambition and are daring. They are the role models for our future generation of natural perfumers.
This scent event is not just to debut the launch of a new fragrance but it is also to empower working women all over the world that anything is possible through prayer and patience.
SOY SPACASSO and Fragrance Belles-Lettres: The Magazine are proud to introduce the judges for the ROYAL NAMING SCENT EVENT CONTEST 2011.
1000 Flowers Fragrances & Perfume
Jane Cate
Ankica Milic
Monica Miller
Blossoming Tree Bodycare
Thank you, Felicia for selecting me to be one of the judges in the Naming Event. I'm looking forward to the challenge.(I'm not anonymous).
Jane Cate
Thank you!! Nice picture of me hahah.
I'm really excited about participating in this event. Thank you Felicia.
Excited to be a part!