Happy New Year to All! May 2011 bring you peace, joy, happiness, good health and prosperity. I want to know that I appreciate all of you in my life. There are many that I have gotten to know on a more personal basis. I want to let you know that you have enriched my life with your talents and wonderful spirits.
I want to thank all niche and natural perfumers for allowing me to showcase your passion and your creative contribution to the perfume industry. You are greatly admired and I look forward to meeting more perfumers in 2011.
I want to thank the perfume companies and owners for allowing me to showcase your legendary fragrances and providing me information to produce a fragrance magazine that caters to eager aficionados! You are greatly admired and I look forward to meeting more of you in 2011.
Lastly, but never least my FANS! Without your loyalty and encouragement, I would not be able to endure the many busy moments in my life with a family and two very active children.
Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart. I look forward to bringing you in 2011 more perfume coverage in many new and exciting ways.
May all of you receive your desires and my blessings to you all!
Felicia M. Hazzard
Fragrance Belles-Lettres: The Magazine